Hello and welcome to my blog! My fascination lies deeply rooted in the realms of psychology and psychotherapy, a testament to endless curiosity about the workings of the human mind and the intricacies of people's lives. My journey into this world is fueled by an insatiable appetite for reading and listening.

However, I find my understanding only sharpens when I try to put thoughts into words. Writing, for me, is not just a practice but a necessity. It is through this medium that I digest, reflect upon, and retain the complexities of what I learn.

This blog stands as a living document of this quest – a personal and professional expedition to enrich my knowledge and hone my skills as a therapist and individual. Each post is a piece of the puzzle, drawn from my pursuit to comprehend the minds and lives of others.

Sexuality and Identity

A case study of the film Moonlight looking at what it has to say about identity.

This too Shall Pass

How understanding the ever changing nature of everything can help you manage the highs and lows of life.

Should Therapists Use Routine Outcome Measures?

A literature review on the efficacy of ROMs in therapeutic practices.

A Secure Base

John Bowlby distills his work on Attachment Theory and its implications on developmental psychology and psychotherapy in this collection of lectures given at the end of his career.

Lessons on Life from a Child

The virtue of slowing down and enjoying the moment.

How to Manage a Loss

The emotions and feelings of a loss, although intense and over powering, are the pathway to learning how to live with it.

Hold Me Tight

Sue Johnson brings the knowledge and insight gained from Emotionally Focused Therapy to couples looking to improve their relationship.

The Disease Model of Addiction and the Efficacy of the AA

The history of the disease model of addiction and how it was used to promote the treatment method of the AA.

Trust - The Basis of a Good Relationship

Strategies to build good long lasting relationships